Version 2.1.2 (#34) - 08 november 2010
- Correction of edit zone, temporarly visible after idle period
- Correction of FTP synchronization, search canceled to avoid error message
Version 2.1.1 (#33) - 14 november 2009
- New : show password strength when generating a password
- Fix : on FTP synchronization, version number not incremented. Local and FTP version are now really identical
- Fix displayed error message when error accessing FTP server, saved window position and sorted column
Version 2.1.0 (#32) - 10 may 2009
- New : can generate random passwords
- Now detects Offline mode at FTP connection
- Upon inactivity detection, the cancel button now closes current file
- On FTP synchronization, file is now automaticaly saved locally (both sides are identical)
- New option : text is automatically copied in clipboard whn double-clicked
- Synchronization dialog : FTP password is no longer displayed
- Sorting columns now works with accented characters
- Correction of Minimize to system tray button creation error with particular styles
- Improved display of hints, particularly on menus
Version 2.0.6 (#30) - 28 october 2008
- Securing the backup FTP : the file is saved with the .tmp extension before being renamed to avoid corruption of the file if you have a connexion trouble while writing the file
- Reorganization of menu consistency with other tools
- New : double click on the icon of a copy element / password to the clipboard
- Correction idle time, now really in minutes
- Correction click on a link on the Web Address column
- Improved default position of the button Minimize to tray icon, which is hidden now if the option Minimize to system tray is checked (see also FAQ)
Version 2.0.5 (#28) - 17 october 2008
- New option to ask the meta-password after a certain period of inactivity
- New option to delete the contents of the clipboard after it always contains the latest password copied
- New option to force a single instance of Remember
- Adding menu Contact Support
- Correction visibility of a new element when the information panel is hidden
Version 2.0.4 (#27) - 30 october 2007
- Adding the choice of passive mode operation for FTP (add /PASV or /PASSIF on the definition of backup site)
- Command line parameter /nobuttons to remove the minimize button icon in the bare title (incompatiblility with WindowBlinds 5.5)
- Correction of activating areas of the box opening / FTP synchronization
- Correction : data sync FTP are erased at the invitation of the New File
Version 2.0.3 (#26) - 27 august 2007
- Correction : in case of bad meta-password, the file is now given to 'Untitled' to avoid overwriting the original file.
Version 2.0.2 (#25) - 31 may 2007
- File properties update
- Correction of activating the select Define as auto-sync FTP parameters options in Item menu
- Correction on display drag & drop, and moving or deleting an element when an entry is marked for sync FTP
- Improved minimize button icon when Windows to a theme with a small title bar
Version 2.0.1 (#24) - 15 march 2007
- About box updated
- Added a Stop button to stop the FTP download in the background
- New function: mark an entry as the FTP settings for synchronization. Use the following format in the Web column: server/file path or server:port/path. Check the option in the Tools /Synchronize with FTP file... menu
Version 2.0.0 (#22) - 20 november 2006
- Fixed crash when FTP not available
- Improved presentation of the capture passwords (Meta and FTP)
- Back to the icon associated with .pass !
Version 2.0.0 (#21) - 18 november 2006
- Adding automatic verification of an update
Version 1.9.3 (#20) - 17 november 2006
- Possibility also click on a command line (the settings are managed). Circle paths with spaces with " (quotation marks).
- Opening of the FTP in the background. The interface is blocked change pending completion of the load.
- Correction of backup that does nothing and displays "Untitled" then
Version 1.9.2 (#13) - 15 november 2006
- Adding the possibility of a command line in the column Web address
Version 1.9.2 (#13) - 14 november 2006
- End correction column Web address unreachable mode research and publishing
- Adding an error message if file or server in the empty box FTP sync.
Version 1.9.2 (#12) - 13 november 2006
- Improved drag & drop the keys
- Tracking changes and corrections in the about box...
- Correction of the Web column unreachable web search mode and then editing
- Automatic coloring web addresses, which are directly clickable
- °user and / or °pass in the "web address" will be replaced by the value of columns when click
- Adding an icon in the title bar to minimize small icon (if the option is not checked in the options)
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